When is The Right Time to Replace My AC Unit?

Air conditioners are some of the most important appliances in the house. This is because they circulate and filter air, thus getting rid of pollutants and mold from the air. But just like any other appliance, they need regular maintenance and have to be replaced after a certain period. Air conditioning replacement is quite expensive and so is the cost of maintaining an old one. So, what’s the best time to replace your air conditioner   
Air conditioners mantinance company, AC repair services near me.

If you have an AC in your house, it is important to know when it is the right time to replace it. The signs that we’ve compiled below should help you know when to contact AC repair services near me to replace or install a new A/C for you. These are as follows:

When your air conditioner becomes inefficient

Before buying an air conditioner, always check its SEER rating. If your AC has a low SEER rating, then it might cost you a lot to operate it. At present, it is a requirement that the air conditioner must have a SEER rating of at least 13. So, if you have an AC with a lower SEER rating, then you should contact an air conditioning replacement company to have it replaced.

If your air conditioner is more than 10 years old

Typically, a properly maintained air conditioner should last for at least 15 years. Nevertheless, if you are having a lot of repairs and your air conditioner is 10 years older or greater, then maybe you will have to consider replacing it. With the latest advancements in air conditioning, it is vital that you replace your old AC model with a new one for better efficiency.

If you’re experiencing a frequent breakdown

Is your air conditioner having problems all the time? Are you frequently calling AC repair services near me often than you would? Then, it’s probably the right time to get in touch with American Air Cares and have your air conditioner replaced.

Undergoing expensive repairs

If you are frequently calling your air conditioner service provider now and then, then you should think twice. Sometimes, the cost of repairing you’re A/C may actually be higher in the long run than simply acquiring a new unit. That’s why it’s crucial to calculate the cost of repair and find out if it’s viable or if replacing the whole unit altogether is the best option.

The house is uncomfortable

Is the air in your home no longer cool as it used to be a few years back? This is a sign that your air conditioner is aging and it needs a replacement. Also, an incorrectly sized air conditioner may not perform optimally. So, if the AC is not cooling the air as needed, then it’s time to have an air conditioning replacement done.

If the air conditioner uses R 22 Freon

As a move to conserve energy around the country, the Federal Government is facing out Freon. Because of this, the cost of Freon is rising rapidly and that’s why you need to change over to the new refrigerant.

Conclusion :

If you notice some of the signs that we’ve highlighted above, you should quickly contact an AC specialist to let you know if you need an air conditioning replacement. With so many AC specialists to choose from, you need to pick an ac repair services near me who is reliable, dedicated, licensed and experienced such as American Air Cares.
American Air Cares has been in this business for more than 25 years and offers courteous and affordable repairs every time. With our expert technicians, be guaranteed that you will receive the right service at the right price.  


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