How Often Should You Service Your Air Conditioner?

Affordable Air Conditioner Repair Services

Whether your air conditioner is working perfectly or not, you should always have it checked once a year. Some people are afraid to spend in order to properly maintain their air conditioners and they end up paying for a new air conditioner installation when the old one fails completely. Also, paying for regular maintenance is cheaper than paying for AC repairs, which are normally costly.

If you're still in doubt about how often you should maintain your air conditioner, then you should get in touch with an HVAC contractor or a home ac repair near me. The AC experts will let you know how often you should have your air conditioner replaced or tell you after how long you should have a new air conditioner installation.

Why Air conditioning maintenance is important?

After having a new air conditioner installation done in your home, you're super excited as you will no longer have to breathe dusty and unfiltered air. But then, it dawns on you that just like many other home appliances, an air conditioner also needs regular maintenance and probably replacement after some time. You start wondering after how long you will be required to call a home ac repair near me to have your air conditioner serviced.

If you want your air conditioning unit to last as long as possible, then you should have it serviced once annually. Also, ensure that you get a licensed, experienced, dedicated, and professional AC specialist like American Air Cares to maintain your AC. American Air Cares is an HVAC contractor with a lot of experience and exceptional services. They will take care of all of your air conditioner problems and maintain it to the highest standards.

What could happen if you don't service your AC as needed?

The main work of the air conditioner is to gather dust and dirt from the air and keep it clean, and then release fresh air back into the air. So, when the air conditioner is not serviced, the dirt and dust will build-up and be deposited in the filters. After some time, this dust and dirt will affect how the ac functions as it will start to overwork. Additionally, this will cause the AC to utilize more energy than it should, which will end up raising the energy bill. Besides, the dirt and dust collected may be harmful to your health when it is released back into the air. More so, it will have a big impact on people suffering from asthma and eczema.


To avoid all of these issues, it is best if you have your air conditioner serviced at least once every year. Simply look for the best home ac repair near me and have them service your AC annually. A good HVAC contractor such as American Air Cares should be licensed, experienced, timely, and with highly-qualified technicians to perform the job exceptionally well. So, choose well! 


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